Good communication skills are the foundation for learning and participation. Speech and Language Therapy can play a key role in promoting your child's development.
Services offered:
Delayed or disordered speech
Although some errors may be age-appropriate, features to look
out for (e.g. persisting production errors despite progression of peers):
• Omitting sounds within words (i.e. 'do' > 'dog')
• Replacing sounds (i.e. 'play' > fay')
• Difficulty with multi-syllabic / long words (i.e. 'biscuit' > 'bibi')
Specific language impairments
Difficulty following instructions
Apparent lack of attention or listening
Difficulties with working independently
Giving irrelevant answers to questions
Reliance on other cues: gesture, following peers, pictures, context and routine
Unable to effectively express ideas
Difficulties telling stories and narratives
Grammatical errors (e.g. 'him go shopping')
Poorly formed sentences
Using incorrect words or difficulty finding words
Literacy difficulties secondary to phonological awareness or auditory processing difficulties
Paediatric speech and language therapy is dynamic and varied - children require support from clinicians with specific skills and experiences